Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 10: Arms & Shoulders and Ab Ripper X

Today was awesome. I worked so hard and can feel it in my whole body. I'm glad I worked out today because I was supposed to go on a walk with a friend this afternoon and it was so hot I couldn't handle the heat, so we stayed inside.

Something about Abs. You aren't supposed to do them every day. Other exercises are ok to do every day but not abs. Did you know that?

I am enjoying working out better (Except on Tuesdays, Plyometrics). I used to dislike it a lot, but its starting to be fun and I am starting to see if I can beat myself with the workouts. Its a fun little contest.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 8: Chest and back & Ab Ripper X

Since I want you to be surprised at how much I have changed at 30 days I will just be posting photos of the food we eat. I will still update you on how the workouts went. This morning we got mushroom omelets with a cup of strawberries and cottage cheese. It was good and for the first time since I started this workout I actually wanted to eat. I was so hungry after my workout.

This week has already been 10 X better than last week. Last week I thought I was going to throw up just because of the warm up. This week I was able to do tons more push ups. I was able to do more pull downs (Its supposed to be pull ups, but I have resistance bands and Chris uses the pull up bar). Plus I was able to keep up with the video. AWESOME!

The Ab Ripper X was not as easy this week. I pushed myself with chest and shoulders so much that I barely had any strength left. But the thing is..... I tried. I didn't give up when I didn't have the energy or when my muscles wouldn't let me move. I just keep trying. And that's all there is to it. "Do your best and forget the rest"

L, thanks for sharing the video yesterday. It was awesome. I laughed so much. I hope you start feeling better.
H, come on. Bring it. You can do it. Get working.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I fell down the stairs so I am out for a bit

Hey Gals, I totally fell down the stairs yesterday and I hurt my right leg quad muscle. At first I thought it was just sore and I was walking and stretching it, further injuring it. I totally forgot that I fell. Anyway so I am out for a while and am going to take it easy until I can walk without a limp. Well I was watching youtube today and I saw this video and thought of us. I think you are doing great and keep it up!

Day Six: Kenpo X

LOVED IT! Seriously I really really did. It was so fast and I was able to do a lot of the moves that I used to do when I was in Martial Arts in Springville and for the first time I was able to give Chris advice on how to strengthen his positions. (Yay! I am actually better at a workout than Chris). This one didn't have any weights and I didn't have to do any push ups or pull ups. I really enjoyed it.

I have decided that I do not like wearing big red animals during work outs also. Why should I when I am in the comfort of my own home?

Chris and I will be going on a bike ride later this afternoon.

I finally got a picture to upload. This is of me starting/stretching before I began.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 5: Legs and Back & Ab Ripper X

L, now I can totally see where you are coming from about the whole working out late and getting up early. I did yoga so late last night that I didn't get to bed until around 11:30 and I got up this morning at 5 to start again. I am pretty tired and I think a nap is deserved.

My legs have hurt since Tuesday, and you would think working them out would hurt them worse. But right now they feel better than they did all week. I can't say how I will feel tomorrow though. Did you know that Abs are the only thing you shouldn't work out every day?

The nutrition program is still going well, except I end up cooking about 2-3 hours a day. It is a lot of work! I have to motivate myself to start cooking harder than I have to for waking up at 5 and working out. Today the breakfast is a spinach, tomato, feta cheese, and fresh basil egg white omelet. Lunch is a turkey burger, gazpacho, and coleslaw. Dinner is fish ( I have decided I don't really like cooked fish, I prefer the raw, fresh stuff). Anyway, keep up the good work.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The problem with night exercising

If something comes up and you can't go, you have wasted the whole day waiting to go exercise. I did nothing today.

Day Four: Yoga X

This morning a friend and I went on a walk. I really had a hard time with this because my legs are really killing me from Tuesdays Plyometrics. I did push myself though and made it to Farmington. I could see Lagoon from where I walked to. It was fun to be able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

We had to put off Yoga until tonight because Chris had some huge things that needed to be done for school. I really liked it. I mean there were things that I had a really hard time doing, but it felt so good to stretch out that I didn't care. But! it was 93 minutes. Thats a really long time. I'm glad I stuck with it though and here I am going on to day 5.

( I took a picture, but seriously I can't upload it. Something is wrong with my computer)

I would like to go hiking soon.

Do you know of any good hiking places around me? I was thinking I would head to Antelope Island.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It feels like a Friday

A late night work out followed by an incredibly early work out? Insane. I totally did that this morning. Pilates was changed to Wednesday this week, so I have to come up with something for Friday. It hurts really bad because I totally worked my butt off last night. I do love pilates quite a lot even if I am not sure how to spell it. I am seriously so tired now, I will definitely be taking a nap, maybe outside so I can get some sun. Also don't you think its funny that we are working out and totally burning out then we really can't do the things we want to (like a hike, bike ride, or walk with the stroller) because we are so tired from these workouts. Hopefully we actually get into shape so we can do it all. That's my goal.

Day Three: Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X

And the sore muscles continue. I am super sore from yesterdays work out. I am having a hard time walking up the stairs. But I still did my workout today. I really tried to push myself today. I tried to get at least 8 reps for each set and it was tough. I didn't work up a sweat like yesterday, but I could feel my muscles stretching and tearing (I hear that's supposed to happen). My chest hurts today too. I don't think I have ever worked it out in my life and I can feel it.

I haven't heard from either of you guys for a while. Keep on working out. Keep on blogging. Come on you can do it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Water Aerobics Tuesday

I went to water aerobics tonight. It was a killer. I was supposed to take it easy but with the instructor screaming at you to give it your all, it's hard to do things half way. I love water aerobics, its easy on the joints but tough on fat. HA HA HA! I go with a bunch of ladies from my community so it's kind of a gab fest at first but after warm ups are over I hardly talk. I have to concentrate. We really worked out arms tonight and I am feeling it as I type this. SO I am really tired since the water aerobics I go to starts at 9:30 PM and it last an hour. I really like the instructor and kind of have a schedule where we go Tuesday and Thursdays. Its really fun. My picture is me almost asleep, but I hate going to bed with wet hair so I stay awake until it dries. Okay that's it I am sleepy...

Day 2: Plyometrics

Talk about a hard hard workout. Today there wasn't as much upper body strength required(Thank goodness since I am so sore from yesterday). It had tons of squats and jumps. I have already improved. I didn't get sick during the warm up this time. Then I was able to keep up for the first few sets. The motto for P90X is "Do your best and forget the rest". I am proud that I got up this morning to continue my workout. I honestly don't think I have worked out this hard in such a long time and its super hard. Yesterday as the day was coming to an end I started getting a headache and I had an upset stomach and I felt like couldn't do it. I was already doubting if I could do this program. I don't do well with pain. But that is why I'm writing. I need encouragement. I want to succeed. L, look on KSL and try and find it. I hope you will be able to join the P90X team with me so that we can keep giving each other support. Let me know if you are up for the challenge. H, start doing it again. And if either of you want the nutrition plan I could scan it in and send it to you. Let me know.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hiking down by the river

I went for a hike today and it was hot. I walked just over two miles total. I had to carry MD's camelbak for about a mile, and then MD for about 1/4 a mile to the car. He was really heavy. I stayed hydrated with a camelbak, when I got home I was really tired and worn out. Walking with two kids isn't necessarily a cardio workout but you get some distance and your body moving. It was an endurance hike, endure the whining, endure with patience, and endure carrying a cranky child and his supply of water. Yikes. Still it felt good.


Alright here we go. I just finished my workout for day 1: Chest and Back and Ab Ripper X. I am pretty sure I am not in good enough shape to do this program. The workout started and before the warm up was over I thought I was going to throw up. I mean cold sweats, turned whiter than a ghost and so dizzy that I didn't think I was standing up anymore. I decided I needed a break at that point and sat down. Chris paused it and waited for me (I almost didn't want him to). After that I really didn't think I was going to make it, but I pushed through and finished the whole video. On some places I could only do 1 push up and other places I didn't even need to use weights because my arms are heavy enough to work me out. It is super hard, but I feel so glad that I made it through the first day. I have heard that the first week is the hardest. Here is my before picture. I am mostly looking to tone up a bit and maybe drop a few pounds. I just want to get in shape. I want muscles to form when I flex. You only get the head on shot because the rest are not super flattering of me.
As for the food. I have decided that we will be tackling the nutrition side as well as the work out. So far the meals seem very big. This morning we had a mushroom omelet. It called for 6 eggs. I barely eat one egg, so that will be a struggle. On top of the bigger portions they let you eat tons of snacks throughout the day (ex. soy nuts, string cheese, cottage cheese, strawberries, nectarines, turkey jerky, etc.) I am really excited to start this crazy program. I am going to keep pushing. Only 89 days left.